March 2025 | Do not ask for car meets!
I visit you in CORNWALL
• 140 Field reports | 457 Positive reviews
• You know the truth by the way it feels
• If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, LEAVE
• Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire
• Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve :-)
NEWQUAY | TRURO | FALMOUTH | ROCK | HAYLE | PENZANCE | ROCHE | PORTHLEVEN | BUDE | WADEBRIDGE | PENRYN | HAYLE (UK) and surrounding gentlemen, welcome. Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. It’s not about ‘having’ time. It’s about making time.
BOOKING & INITIAL CONTACT. I visit your home, air bnb or hotel anywhere in Cornwall. Please see my fees below, with a minimum booking time. These are not negotiable. I do not currently host or offer In-calls. Please book directly online, or via email. Please make your first contact legible and time and date specific. “You available?” helps no-one and will likely be ignored. Kindly make sure your location is included. I reply very quickly. You do not need to know my location since I visit you. I do need your location in your first email please. This is so I can work out travelling times to you. Thank you.
LOW VOLUME MEETS. My time is for genuine gentlemen pursuing real-time meets. I DO NOT WRESTLE. If you do not want to join the site, I completely understand. You may leave a paid for voicemail. I have never shown my face for privacy reasons. Rest assured, I do have one! No fillers, my own teeth and hair, and no Botox! I am an early bird. I’m often up before 04:00. This means you’ll find me bursting with energy and vigor throughout the day. Please read my extensive positive feedback and 140 field reports for reassurance. I do not entertain fantasists, pen friends or alike. I am not a sheep, therefore you’ll find my profile very un-sheep like. Please continue to read the paragraphs below which clearly define my service. Thank you.
A PASSIONATE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE WITH A SCULPTED ENGLISH FITNESS MODEL. What I offer is not prescriptive or acted. Many ask “what is a girlfriend experience?”. It’s how I’d be with my own partner: natural, playful and energetic. Passionate french kissing is included for those with good oral hygiene. I do not see smokers! I’m also partial to a nice bum! Happy to explore this if you’d like. Is your bed simply being used for sleep? I wonder if your partner/girlfriend uses sex as ammunition, or a bartering tool? You love her. Of course you do. BUT… you have needs! You’re not ‘just another’ on the clinical meat-market conveyor belt. A grounded, sensual, empathic, passionate, caring fitness model awaits! Are you being neglected? Allow me to nurture, cherish and spoil you. I love clear, concise, coherent gentlemen wishing to give their bedroom fitness a boost. Please note: graphic emails or vulgar grammar will be immediately blocked. I’m humble enough to know I'm not better than anyone; but wise enough to know I'm different.
EVERY SECOND IS SPECIAL. Fitting in is boring. Be fiercely you. To enjoy more of me, feel free to subscribe to my private gallery. My energy is naturally and genuinely affectionate; vehemently not selfish. I love genuine men in all forms. Come and meet a sculpted size 8 fitness model with brains, energy, focus and passion. I’m particularly sensitive if you’re new to this site/world and welcome your genuine booking request. Don’t be shy or nervous. I’m 100% English, born in the UK. Read my 140 field reports which give detailed accounts of who (and how) I am. I won't be the woman you marry, but I will be the one you're thinking of whilst having polite sex with your partner's depressed lady garden. We’ll reach a crescendo of rippled euphoria on a level you rarely experience - an ineffable meet.
LIFE IS MAGICAL AND PRECIOUS. Tell the special people in your life you love them, today! Do not be a “I’ll do it tomorrow” person. Tomorrow may never arrive. Would you like a bedroom partner with a sensational appetite and clear, defined 6 pack? Hello :-) My promise: You'll be mentally, physically and emotionally stimulated whilst gasping for breath from our antics. We’ll only stop due to your lack of fitness. My stamina's on par with Buzz lightyear's quote "To infinity and beyond!". I live a clean life; training 5-6 times a week. Alcohol and smoking are not part of it. If this intrigues and excites you, send me an email and let’s meet! Do you have adrenaline ready to be used? Let’s take YOUR bedroom fitness to the next level!
EXERCISE is the answer. What’s the question?! Move your derrière TODAY! Outdoors, not in. Risqué and daring over sedate, safe and (as Villanelle would say) “boring!”. One face as opposed to two. Straight talking over trying to please others (you’ll be trying your entire life). Steak, not rabbit food. Always being true to yourself, not being disturbed or influenced by other factors. I Love generous people who give for the pleasure of giving. Creative, colourful people living every day as though it’s their last. Make a real difference in someone’s life today. Saying hello may be that person’s only interaction for the day/week… who knows. Open a door, lend an ear, buy someone less fortunate than you a sandwich….. and SMILE! You’ll be surprised what happens after that. Life is about perspective. How do you see it?
Love Megan xxx